- To provide a platform and an environment where churches, ministries and laity of like minds can convene for the purpose of empowerment, equipping and facilitating them to establish Kingdom dominion in the Earth.
- Raising disciples all over the world with an enriching discipleship.
- To nurture the growth and multiplication of churches, through the development and support for the practical needs in the church.
- To be a base-station for Gospel Ministers; to minister the Gospel all over Africa and the World at Large.
- To provide a platform for ministering in place other than your base-station.
- To assist Gospel Ministers in accessing financial retirement packages for sustaining their families, in case of untimely Death or Disability of a Minister.
- To assist through networking Bigger Churches, help the Smaller once in erecting churches and building structures for Gospel Ministries in Africa.
- To assist in securing Health Services that will facilitate medical delivery for them and their families.
- To provide Skill Training to local churches, Youth and the Unemployed people by networking them to other NGO’S Specialized Programs.
- To provide Community with Impactful Programs that will make the Gospel relevant in every Community. (Meeting the needs of the people through a live changing program.)
- We aspire to promulgate the Kingdom of God by working cooperatively and corporally.
- Our standards of operation and principles flow directly from the Bible – the Word of God.
- To build strong churches we need strong leaders; we need to help new believers grow in their faith; and we need to stay charged ourselves.
- To provide relationship-building opportunities for the fulfilment of the Ministry.
- To encourage development of Teams locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, with a number of teams that meet regularly in cities and towns and in various nations.
- To see local leaders, establish teams of teams across the nations, interacting spheres of influence based on genuine personal relationship.
- We provide an atmosphere to build healthy, strong, enduring and enriching ministry relationships with pastors, leaders, and teams of all sizes and backgrounds.
- To promote shared resources for Kingdom-minded leaders worldwide.
- To provide Apostolic and prophetic covering.
- To publish current research for successful evangelism and church planting.
- To prepare strategic recommendations for global partners.
To build capacity of leadership to fully understand and carry out ministry to their members.
- The opportunity to demonstrate sound accountability.
The opportunity to fellowship with a healthy group of ministers of like faith.
- Opportunities for training and team-building.
- Receive opportunities for training and support.
An increased sense of credibility through affiliation with an organization that embraces and emphasizes integrity.
The opportunity to hear what God is doing outside your own area of ministry.
- Listed in membership directory.
- Licensure and ordination.
- Regular conferences.
- Network with other churches.
- Church Planting
- Create International Platforms for Pastors.

As a TPI Member, you’re on your way to fulfilling your vision.
As a TPI you are a referrer, an inviter.
You are expected to invite others to TPI Meetings, where our Coordinators explains and expound on the opportunities and benefits, the Ministers you have invited stands to gain with TPI.
It is important to keep in touch and follow up with the people you have introduced, because the more successful they become, the more successful you become also.
At TPI, we are a family, an instrument to every one’s success.
Our relationships needs to be realistically defined and we operate together much like a transport system with linking nodes. Through our personal relationships we link with others in the TPI family.
We are joined primarily for what we can contribute to building the family, rather than what we can receive, knowing that the ethos of servanthood will ensure we build prevailing Churches that are sustainable in every circumstance.